Happy Fall Y'all!!! Hello everyone. I hope this day finds you healthy and wise(r). It is a beautiful summer-like day here in Northern Virginia, but I know that fall is on the way. If you're here because you saw the Shimmerz Vee-dio on YouTube, welcome. If not, it is the first video to the left.
I did not use any Sakura stardust or metallic pens on these projects--as a collective gasp is heard around the globe. This Shimmerz is shimmery enough and did not require further enhancement. Shimmerz comes in three ways--as a shimmering spritz (mist--now available in a mini bottle), Shimmerz paints which is more viscous than the mist, and the Blingz which is a thicker paint with lots of chunky mica. Both paints come in a pot. All three are water soluble for easy clean up and are non-toxic.
My favorite was by far the Fall scene using that incredible Autumn Flower Soft with the Spiced Cider Blingz (all of which are available at http://www.cutterscreek.com/. You will have to go back to my previous Flower Soft blog to find out how to get a freebie with your purchase.
Now to what most of you are seeking. The code to use when shopping for your Shimmerz Productz at http://www.cutterscreek.com/. Just enter Shimmerz Skittles and you will receive this beautiful mixed bag of flat back plastic gems. You will wonder how you ever lived without them.
Remember to keep inking, spritzing and blinging in the Name of Love.
Until then.