I could not let this day pass without wishing all of the Dads out there a very happy Father's Day!!! Whether you are a dad or not, if you are a man, I hope that you have been a role model and a support for someone along the way.

The pop-up template is from the DIY Scrapbooking show with Sandi Genovese. Not sure if the template is still available but it is quite easy to make.
I think they turned out well and I know the Dads and Moms will adore them. Many of them decorated around the dad and child and their covers.
The silhouette (one boy and one girl) is from A Child's Year. Their personal message is written on a white card just in front of the critter.
The silhouette (one boy and one girl) is from A Child's Year. Their personal message is written on a white card just in front of the critter.
Thanks for stopping by.
Until then.