He had wanted a party at the National Zoo but Mom was a bit slow in getting her act together. I talked him into a beach trip.

We invited his grandmother and a cousin who shares the same birthday as him.
The boys wore themselves out and I relaxed for a full 15 minutes.

While I was away feeding the meter they were buried in sand and had to stay that way until I returned.
Their grandmother said they wanted me to see them. I think she milked it for a break. She knew where they were and did not have to follow them. lol
Here is the card I made for his birthday. He asked for dinosaurs...really?...and I was happy to oblige. He also wanted the Dilophosaurus on his cake.
He received gift cards to Toys R Us so that will be our next stop. He went to bed eight and woke up nine. That birthday eve he said to me this will be your last hug from your eight-year-old. I hugged him; held him tightly and shed a few tears. He is growing up waaaay too fast. So long eight, it was a great year.
Until then.