Sunday, February 8, 2009

First Blog Entry

Wow. Today, Saturday, February 7, 2009 is a momentous day. I have finally come kicking and screaming into the 21st Century. It all started with FaceBook. Now, I am the proud owner of my own blog. For someone who loves the computer and uses it as a tool, I find it hard to explain why I have not blogged before now. Learn from me that it is never too late to get started on a great idea. While I cannot promise that I will post everyday, I can definitely commit to a few days a week.

I love creating and especially papercrafting and using ink. This versatile medium has been around for ages and has been used to create all kinds of allusions. When you see a long-eared, big-eyed puppy dog, your heart opens. A mountain of ice cream draped in melting chocolate and crowned with plump pitted cherries makes your mouth water. Lying on a hammock as a light breeze blows the leaves on the trees brings to mind relaxation. It is the stamping and inking of these images that connects one person to the other. It is my hope that you will Ink in the Name of Love and create some allusions of your own.

It is late, and I am too worn out to do much of anything else. I hope you will return to share in the goodies that I plan to post.
Until then.

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